Friday, December 27, 2019

Child Shift - 1748 Words

The article entitled â€Å"Children Caught in the Crossfire† explores the effects of proper and dysfunctional parenting on Caribbean children. This article identifies dysfunctional homes that foster improper parenting and the impact of psychological and physical absence of parents on their children. It also assesses the consequences of â€Å"child shifting† on affected children. The social impairments of children suffering from â€Å"child shifting† were cross-examined with the various parenting styles they would receive through continuous domestic relocation. â€Å"Children Caught in the Crossfire† is an interesting article that exploits numerous factors involving parental negligence which causes child shifting. This has become a clichà ©d situation in the†¦show more content†¦The article states that more critical factors affect delinquency as family disorganization complicates the issue. This article directly contrasts the researcher’s v iews as disorganized families is directly associated with delinquency. Family disorganization via broken homes is the most common cause of child shifting. This broken home fosters child shifting and the negative psycho-social development of the child which commonly causes juvenile delinquency in the Jamaican society. Pasahow, R. (2005). A critical analysis of the first empirical research study on child relocation, Journal of Critical Analysis of Relocation Study, 19, 321-328. This journal assesses Wallerstein’s study of the best interests of children and the effects of child relocation. However, Wallerstein is opposed by several theorists with supportive research findings. Wallerstein posits that child relocation with their custodial parents is in their best interest while opposing views disprove Wallerstein. The scholarly article explores opposing views of several theorists which gives the researcher an understanding of contrasting arguments on child relocation. The source outlines the effects of child relocation in child development depending on custody. This aids the research in finding out the effects of custodial and non-custodial parentsShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Natural Science?1602 Words   |  7 Pagesthink out of the box in unconventional ways. They must question the validity of widely accepted theories. Thereby, a better definition for difficulty is the extent to which the knowledge being produced causes or catalyses a paradigm shift. I will define a paradigm shift as a revolution in the basic principles, assumptions and practices within an area of knowledge. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nutrition Analysis of my Diet Journal Essay - 534 Words

In my Diet Journal, I recorded all the food I ate over the weekend with the best accuracy I could attempt to do. But one of the factors that made my food diary inaccurate was that I couldn’t find every detail and percentage of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins in everything I ate. Also, all of the amounts and servings were approximations, not exact amounts. I was able to record everything I ate, but accuracy may have been affected by estimations and sources. The calorie intake I had over the three day period ranged from 1900-2500 calories. This was over my 1800 BMR, due to the food choices and fluctuation in diet. I am 5’4’’ tall and weigh 110 pounds. I also have a BMI of 18.88. On the American/Caucasian standard of BMI, I would be†¦show more content†¦Over the weekend my intake of calories ranged between 1900-2500 which is above the recommended amount. Even with my activity level taken into account, this should have caused me to gain more weight than 10 pounds over a one year period. The time that my diet was recorded, I may have eaten more than I usually do. For day 1, I ate an more fat than recommended, which was not over by much because it was 15%. On the second day I ate 40% fat, which is over the 30% recommended. On the third day, my fat intake was 32%, which is once again, over the daily recommended. I have been eating in the range of the recommended proteins and carbohydrates on the other days. My water intake 7 cups a day on average, but I need to consume more fruits and vegetables. The errors in my food chart includes the data of the food and actual amount that I consumed. The error in food data was caused by using different sources for data. Some sites had the same food but different data. I estimated my consumption as close as I could on almost all of my foods. My data could be more accurate if I had used only one source for food data, and find the exact measurements for what I ate. Also, my record of fruits and vegetables may not have been accurate because I do not usually eat them alone, so they may have been in my food and I did not take account of them. On the third day, I ate Jack in the Box the whole day, which is a rare event to occur in my diet. On the weekends I am less active, butShow MoreRelatedNutrition Diet Analysis Essay781 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Quitno 1 Crisel Joy Quinto Nutrition 313: Contemporary Nutrition Kelly Lane November 26, 2014 Diet Analysis Based on a 24 Hour Recall of my diet, results using NutriCalc Plus report that my food intake lacked a healthy balance of all food groups. My Grain intake reached only 60% of the My Plate daily recommendations. My Vegetable intake was a mere 50% of the recommended servings. Additionally, I consumed 84% of the daily recommendations for the Dairy Group. 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Let us take a look at three of the leading causes of death in the world the Central for Disease Control and Prevention has compiled; diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. These are justRead MoreThe Intake Of Daily Foods856 Words   |  4 Pagesdocumented in the iProfile food journal tracking system. The iProfile provides information on a nutritional analysis report that examines the macronutrients of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats when measured to the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) for overall health. The results will provide data to determine if the individual is consuming the recommended nutrients for s trength, their metabolism, and to ensure that other body components are functioning. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Pros of the Green Revolution Essay Example For Students

Pros of the Green Revolution Essay With the rapid growth of our global population pouring into the next millennium, we will witness an ever-growing hunger rate around the world. That is unless we call for a revolution on the global scale. The Green Revolution which already sprouted in the early part of the century only need to add a bit more momentum and we will see a bright future for the human race, a future without hunger and starvation hopefully. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the planet to support its overwhelming population. And since the amount of arable land available is becoming scarce, we must seek ways to dramatically improve crop yields of existing cropland. By implementing new farming techniques provided with the new technological advances in machines we can see abundant harvest in even the poorest third world countries. For example, the Green Revolution has already showed admirable progress in the northern part of India ever since it took start in 1950. By 1997, northern India increased its grain production by 37 percent. This has proven that traditional farming methods are being rendered obsolete. And because by the year 2000, there will be half the land per person in developing countries as there was in 1970, we need to apply ultra-efficient methods to sustain the growing need. Not only does the Green Revolution enhances food output, it also preserves the environment. Traditional agriculture requires ma ssive forest and grassland removal to obtain land necessary to farm on. Deforestation and overgrazing has caused erosion flooding, and enabled the expansion of deserts. But with drainage systems, leveling, and irrigation provided by the Green Rev, all this terra deforming will unlikely happen again. We can retain clean air and lessen the global warming effect caused by deforestation. Many people argue that a revamp in agriculture will be way too expensive and unrealistic especially for those poor farmers in third world countries. However many times, they exaggerate the price. In reality, farmers who take the first step in the revolution will most likely succeed and will have more money to invest in further development such as irrigation systems and wells and machineries. And since poverty is caused by low productivity of food which results in over expensive food prices, we can eliminate this problem by raising crop yields. We dont have much time and room to speculate on this issue. The turn of the century is approaching quickly and so is overpopulation. What we should be speculating on is how the development process proceeds not should it proceed. The Industrial Revolution altered the world one step ahead. The Green Revolution will take the next.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

WISH By Bobby Anne Mason Essay Example

WISH By Bobby Anne Mason Essay Bobby Anne Mason’s â€Å"Wish† actually pursues the different issues with regards aging and how it actually involves an individual in becoming the best he could be as a person towards his growth. Aging is a normal issue among humans. However, the process by which people go through with the said phase of life is quite different based form the different perspectives of each person towards life and its zest towards one’s own being and development. This is what is particularly handled within the narration of Bobby Anne Mason in the said story. She particularly used language that would likely be more affecting to the people who are involved in the said phase of life. To emphasize the said use of language, the author particularly utilized the words to send forth emotional point of understanding that actually brings forth a clarified vision to the readers so as to understand the real message behind the story. Besides this particular fact, the author has also been able to convey a particular understanding to readers with regards the implication of the matter with regards the life-wishes of aging individuals. The touching way by which the author introduced the message of the story has actually increased the capability of the story to become a picturesque of the human life’s reality that is obviously striking to the human mind. With the descriptions that she used, she was able to touch the reality of the matter that raises the truth about the wishes of those nearing their life’s end. With all the elements of physical and mental weakness that is actually involved in the situation, it could be observed that the matter is of serious consideration among humans today. We will write a custom essay sample on WISH By Bobby Anne Mason specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on WISH By Bobby Anne Mason specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on WISH By Bobby Anne Mason specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer People who have members of their family undergoing this phase would better understand the said situation in a matter of realizing the hardships and wishes that the aged individuals are being faced with. Overall, the clarity of narration that mason presented made her story a strong manifestation of the truth about wishes and its implication in the times of human aging. Reference: Mason, Bobbie Ann. â€Å"Wish. † The Art of the Story. Ed. Daniel Halpern. New York: Penguin Group, 1999. 380-386.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Description Of The Six Principle Of Nonviolence Essays

A Description Of The Six Principle Of Nonviolence Essays A Description of the Six Principle of Nonviolence Martin Luther King Junior, an icon in the civil rights movement, stood for six main principles of nonviolence. The six principles were the guideline and the key to his success in making substantial improvements in the world of segregation and public prejudice. Martin Luther King Junior believed that nonviolence: was a way of life for courageous people, sought way to win friendship and understanding, sought a way to defeat prejudice and not people, held that suffering could educate and transform, chose live instead of hate, and believed that the universe was on the side of fate. These principles will be glanced at in the following paragraphs. Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. This statement is simply saying that a man of this belief does not have to resort to violent means, which intern gains him a somewhat higher moral authority regarding the matter. Someone who consistently lashes out physically in disagreement is on a lower moral level, and is quite obviously not making a valid attempt to cure the deficiency. Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding. This says that violence is not progressive, but in fact against progress. Nonviolent means not only express an opinion about an issue, but also do not push relationships backwards. Nonviolent means attempt at friendship, whether successful or not. Nonviolence is not filled with rage, which allows the opposite party to ponder the ideas of the expresser. Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people. If someone disapproves of something, and they do so nonviolently, there is only room to move forward. On the other hand, however, if someone chooses the easiest way, the way of violence, that not only closes the minds of the opposing person, but acts as a catalyst towards their anger. Nonviolence targets the issue, not the supporting party of that issue. Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform. This is for the good of both parties. In the bus boycotts, everyone suffered. The bus owners, the employers, as well as the boycotters suffered. This eventually taught them all lesson. The blacks learned that their nonviolence was very productive after a year, and the owners and employers learned that they should have been more receptive to the ideas and issues of the blacks. Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate. It is quite clear that striking a man over his opposite view is hate-filled. This would not provide a gateway toward friendship, unlike the way of a nonviolent man. It would only make issues even harder to discuss civilly. Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of violence. Dr. King thought that eventually God would prevail in the way of moral value. Even if human laws went against these values, Dr. King thought that good would eventually supercede evil. These brief descriptions of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior?s six principles of nonviolence provide some detail and examples of each principle?s application. Dr. King practiced, as well as preached these six principles up until his death in mid 1968. He was well versed in nonviolence, and was prosecuted many times for his practices. In practicing these six principles, Dr. King did gain much moral authority, and it would seem that he was found to be correct in his principle that stated that the universe was on the side of justice, as we can see today.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Necklace

The Necklace To me, this story was suspenseful. At the begging of the book, I kept thinking that Loisel was going to get everything she wanted, and everything was going to turn out just right for her and not her husband. At first, I didn't like Loisel too much because to me, it seemed that she was not happy with what she had at all. It was like, she just wanted more and more. I was really shocked when she lost the necklace. For a while, I thought that she hid the necklace somewhere and was not going to return it to her friend after the ball. Maybe not turn it in because they were not a very wealthy family to begin with. I definitely got a different view on the story from the beginning towards the end of the story. I also got a different view on Loisel. The reason why I got a different view on Loisel is because, I thought at the beginning she was just a normal lady, and then towards the middle, when she was going to the ball, she seemed to be more snobby to me.Like she just kept wanting more of ev erything. I guess you could say that the story had an ironic twist to it. The setting of the story was perfect, I believe. That's how it made me make my decision on how Loisel was going to act and everything. How she wanted to be perfect for the ball, and be better than everyone else. I really enjoyed the story though.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health Care Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Care - Term Paper Example Yet three major health providers have proposed plans to secure Americans’ health. The American Medical Association (AMA) has made the problem of how to cover the uninsured a top priority. They have proposed that â€Å"three pillars† are necessary in order to reach this goal. First, tax credits and vouchers can assist those who desperately need help, and in case the government hand-out becomes no longer necessary, they are fully refundable. Secondly, the AMA has proposed that individual choice of health insurance, with tax credits and regulatory reform, is an â€Å"effective means of reigning in runaway health care costs and premiums, without sacrificing highly prized benefits of health care† (American Medical Association). The third and final pillar concerns the regulation of markets in order to protect high-risk patients. â€Å"Regulations should protect high-risk individuals without unduly driving up health insurance premiums for the rest of the population† (American Medical Association). The AMA focuses their proposal primarily on governme nt intervention in order to stabilize the health care system. The Business Roundtable (BRT) members are another leading health care provider in the United States, providing over 35 million employees and families with medical coverage (Business Roundtable). While the AMA focuses upon regulation in their proposal for the future of health care, the BRT supports a competitive marketplace in which health insurers can offer coverage across state lines and regions, allowing a greater number of people to participate in particular programs. Overall, the BRT focuses upon the standards necessary for the health care system to grow and continue to flourish, including the â€Å"adoption of uniform, interoperable health information technology standards; dissemination of consumer information on the cost and quality of health care and comparison of the effectiveness of health care services and supplies;