Thursday, February 6, 2020

Leading Public Organizations - Public Administration Essay

Leading Public Organizations - Public Administration - Essay Example In addition, they may differ in their abilities to cope up with the unforeseen situations. This holds even more relevant for public administration in organizations. Hence, it requires a coordinating function to deal them effectively so that the out put production would be maximum in any firm. Among all the role players in public administration, leader is very significant one who initiates the process of thinking towards new ideas or innovations and accordingly fixes the responsibilities of various employees in different sections (Hickman, 2009). He also makes them aware about the objectives and goals of the organization and gives them timely targets. The main challenge for a leader in an organization is to manage the communication process to different individuals or groups of individuals who have diverse nature. At the same time, conflict management and ethical decision making also become very complex when leader initiates the process of dealing the individuals or groups of diverse n ature. Let us analyze them one by one. Communication process is one of the most important factors that decides the success of any public organization with employees of diverse nature (Ivancevich, 2009). Leadership in public sector faces a big challenge in the form of large size of groups of individuals of diverse nature and hence their employee coordination is a tough task. The individuals or groups of individuals differ significantly in their critical thinking nature and perception about the decisions of the organization and hence clarity in communication is must for the higher coherence among the employees and the leaders may concentrate on easy way of dissemination of information using the latest technology. The employees must feel that they are integral part of the organization for getting optimum results, this can happen only when they are informed about the objectives and work plan of the organization. If a leader uses any single mode of communication, the employees may not be able to perceive it in same manner. Hence it is necessary to identify the right mode and time of communication process according to the nature of the individuals or groups. The effective communication process once implemented in public administration in organizations with special emphasis on crisis management communication, there is a vast scope for critical thinking and skill development among the employees of diverse nature (Shockley-Zalabak, 2005). There are different ways of communication process that can be well utilized to inform about the present status and future requirements of the organization. The advent of information technology is of immense help in dissemination of information to the employees of different tiers. In some studies, it was found that the use of a Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) system in-group conflict management has become a reasonable success (Hampden-Turner, Charles and Fons Trompenaars. 2000). The group working relations coding system (GWRCS) w as found to be useful to examine group interaction patterns that characterize the conflict management process. It was also noticed that an intellective task conflict can be well managed by a high confrontiveness where as cognitive task conflict requires a moderate confrontiveness strategy. Similarly, effective team building also promotes the communication pro

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