Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Effectiveness of Training and HRM-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Effectiveness of Training and HRM-Case Study of KFC. Answer: Training and Development: Training can be defined as the systematic improvement of the factor of knowledge along with skills and attitudes that is being required by individuals for performing effectively in a given task or job (Shuck Rocco, 2014). Training can also be stated as the act of augmenting the level of skill and knowledge of employees for performing a certain job within the workplace. The term training indicates the procedure of improving the factors of skills, capabilities and aptitudes of the employees (Amir Amen, 2013). Training is the process that helps in upgrading the older talents and improving on the new ones. The primary objective of training is in making sure the accessibility of desired and skilled employees to the organization. Types of Training and Development programs for employees: Various observe are being followed in various industries and organizations. Therefore, as per Karatepe, (2013), the training and developmental training need mainly depends on the need of the job outline. There are several kinds of programs that are being shared by various authors. There are various types of training like on-the-job and off-the-job that can be further segregated into things like job rotation, internship training, apprenticeship, case study method, vestibule training and behavioral modeling. Training Stages and Developmental Programs: Training needs to be conducted in the most systematic of orders for deriving the predictable benefits from it. The system of training can engage four stages like assessing of the needs for training and developing programs, designing and training of the same, implementing the training program and evaluating it (Mengistu, 2016). Development Programs: The Development Programs for employees are being designed in meeting the specific objectives that puts in the efficiency level of both the organization and the employee. There are various steps in the procedure of the development of management. It states the account of reviewing the objectives of the organization and monitoring the present sources of management for the organization (Jehanzeb, Hamid Rasheed, 2015). It also takes in the planning and implementing of the programs for development and investigating the efficiency of such programs and evaluating the impact of the participants training on their work life quality. Overview: According to Meijerink, Bondarouk Lepak, (2016), the objectives of training are in letting the trainees know about the things expected out of them when the training ends. The objectives of the training are of greater implication from the perspectives of the stakeholders which are the designers, trainees and the evaluator. According to Bardoel et al., (2014), the usefulness of the training schedule is possible only when the trainee is able to perform the theoretical facets learned in the program of training in authentic work environment. According to Woods, (2014), the things that have been highlighted are the factor of role playing, simulation, learning that are computer based offering disclosure to a present and pertinent knowledge body along with the real world situations. As per Dhar, (2015), the training process and development is an incessant one. It is one of the avenues in acquiring more and fresh knowledge and developing additional skills and the methods for functioning effi ciently. As per Sung Choi, (2014), the major goal of training is offering, obtaining and improving the required skills in order to assist the organizations attaining their goals and creating the competitive advantage through adding of the value to their significant resources. According to Ford, (2014), training develops a skill of a person required for a task. Training assist in rationally and socially improving an employee, which is indispensable in aiding not only the productivity level but also the expansion of personnel in any organization. As per Anitha, (2014), training and improvement in the present setting of employment is more appropriate than training alone since the resources of humans can apply their full prospective only when the process of learning goes ahead of the daily normal routine. According to Lee Sozen, (2016), the unremitting changing scenario of the global business world makes training an effectual measure that is being used by the employers for complementing the knowledge of the employees along with their behaviors and skills. According to Shuailing Zhi, (2015), companies can no longer make sure that employees would be promoted to the top, it is significant that training and development would be helping the employees with planning of their career and development of the skills. Some of the organizations are of the trepidation that communicating the career planning to employees might make them feel that their jobs are at risk, though it can be framed variably for communicating that the employers are much willing to invest in assisting the employees reaching their prospective. Training and Development at KFC: Training and development can be stated as the life blood of KFC. Training is often been witnessed as the vehicle in making the business better for the company, it is a key opportunity for the company management in helping the people of the teams for developing the life and leadership skills they require for building the career that is right for them. This is the reason why the KFC management invests time and effort for providing programs like the KFC Degree and other scheduled programs that make up the Yum! University (Giovengo, 2014). Training has always been that effective measure for the business of KFC in benefiting their team members and the overall society. Not every individual views the industry of quick service restaurant as their first career preference; KFC has been striving hard in changing that view through the provision of first-class developmental prospects. In the year 2015, KFC nearly promoted 1600 people and their expectations has always been in exceeding the figure of the previous year. KFC has been over the years supporting people who are willing to join them but have little qualification and perhaps not having the best of confidence. The company supports them in every possible step through accredited training where that individual starts viewing this just a job factor into real career option (ShuailingI Zhi, 2015). KFC does invest a lot of money in its training program, signifying the fact that they believe in the people that join them and the company wants them to be in good position in future. Even if they are not with KFC, they should leave the company with the desired confidence and skill required for survival in the industry. Research Aim: This research would aim towards understanding the effectiveness of training on employees at workplace and the ways training is being perceived by the employees. This research would also aim towards understanding the strategic approaches taken up by the companies in organizing a successful training program. For this research, the researcher would be dealing with KFC, the American fast food restaurant chain having its existence globally. This organization focuses on training of its employees at the highest level as it deals with customer service. Research Question: This research would also be taking in certain research questions for the researcher to go through with the study keeping in mind the things that needs to be investigated. What are the effective approaches companies should adopt in making a successful training program in KFC? What are the general issues that crops up in training and how the management deals with the same? Research Methodology: There are generally three forms of strategies of research designs which are descriptive, exploratory and casual. This research would take into account a mixed methodology approach. Interviews would be the best form of unearthing valuable information that people might feel reluctant in group discussions. Interviews that are in-depth would be conducted with the KFC senor management and employees over different locations. Personal form of questionnaires would be distributed that would facilitate in explaining the questions properly to respondents, lessening the quantity of retort errors. The preparation of the data would be taking place upon gathering of the primary research. Research Analysis: The analysis would be done taking into account both the primary and the secondary data. The secondary data has been dealt in the literature review section where various articles on the topic matter of several scholars have been identified and monitored. The primary analysis would take in the interviews of the employees and questionnaires being distributed to the same for knowing their understanding of training and the ways they deal with the changes. Research Plan: The following would be the research plan that the researcher has thought of to proceed with this particular research study, as shown with the help of a gnat chart. Fig 1: Gnat Chart References: Amir, E., Amen, I. (2013). 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