Monday, May 25, 2020

Prenatal Care For Young Women Essay - 1082 Words

Prenatal Care for Young Women Most young mothers are worried about a number of new changes that will impact them socially, physically and emotionally. Prenatal care can be neglected due to an unexpected pregnancy, not being educated on what to do, or not having resources to get care. Prenatal care is very important to a child’s early development. Prenatal care can mean several things like cutting back on caffeine and stopping smoking. It can also mean soon after conception beginning to care for yourself and the baby as well as starting to schedule regular checkups with a doctor. Healthy People 2020 wants to help mothers, infants and children achieve optimal preconception health, and interconception health. The main goal is reducing the infant mortality rate and preterm births. In order to achieve this, it is important that mothers are educated on how to take care of their body and their growing baby. â€Å"Preconception (before pregnancy) and interconception (between pregnancies) care provide an opportunity to identify existing health risks and to prevent health problems for women and their children. These problems include heart disease, diabetes, genetic conditions, sexually transmitted diseases and unhealthy weight† (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2016). According to the CDC (2016), teen pregnancy in the United States is not as large of a problem as it had been between 1990 and 2008. Teen pregnancy is isolated in females ages 15-19. Ideally women shouldShow MoreRelatedThe Birth Of Preterm Births Essay1541 Words   |  7 PagesB elief Model may have a positive impact on maternal care and prevent premature birth. 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